Cellulite Treatment Creams - A Primer Before You Buy

Cellulite Treatment Creams - A Primer Before You Buy

Most of the creams on the market can be very successful at reducing the appearance of cellulite; however, some of them are less effective and only work at providing moisture to the skin. Effective cellulite creams contain a few specific ingredients, all of which target problem areas and solve the problem.

Cellulite is a medical condition that affects both men and women, and is common among almost anyone who has gone through puberty. "Cellulite" refers to the skin on the lower limbs, abdomen, and pelvic area that has become dimpled, and is also referred to as cottage cheese skin, orange peel syndrome, or even hail damage. It can occur for a number of different reasons, ranging from hormone changes, poor diet, poor lifestyle habits, and even genetics. Because it is not an easy condition to prevent, various cellulite creams and treatment options have been flooding the market.

The least expensive and most common treatment is cellulite treatment creams, and they can be purchased over-the-counter at a local drug store. Most of the creams on the market can be very successful at reducing the appearance of cellulite; however, some of them are less effective and only work at providing moisture to the skin. Effective cellulite creams contain a few specific ingredients, all of which target problem areas and solve the problem.

Vitamin A is one of the key ingredients in effective cellulite creams, since it can actually target the connective tissue under the skin and repair it. Cellulite occurs when the connective tissues are weak and broken, yet the Vitamin A can actually strengthen these tissues and stop cellulite in its tracks. The cellulite will no longer be able to move freely, so other key ingredients can work on repairing the dimpled skin.

L-Carnitine is another key ingredient that should be included in every cellulite cream, since it actually boosts metabolism and makes it easier to get rid of stored fat. Because cellulite is basically stored fat that has become dimpled, a boosted metabolism can make it easier to burn off unwanted cellulite as well as other fat storage areas.

Caffeine, and ingredient commonly found in soft drinks and coffee, can actually be very beneficial when applied directly to the skin. When included in a cellulite treatment cream, caffeine can increase blood flow and circulation to areas it has been applied to. The increased circulation and blood flow is essential for getting rid of cellulite, since it helps to break it down and prevent any further cellulite from accumulating.

Cellulite creams are not the only treatment option for this type of fat, but they are the easiest, cheapest, and least invasive. Another popular method for getting rid of it is called cellulite massage, and actually involves massaging trouble areas in order to decrease the appearance. The massage works by breaking up the cellulite and repositioning it, so it doesn't sit right under the skin and give off the cottage cheese appearance. Massages must be performed on a regular basis to maintain results, and can return if the therapy is discontinued.

Liposuction surgery is another common treatment for cellulite, but can be very expensive and comes with several risks. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that involves a small suctioning apparatus, which is inserted in a small incision in order to "vacuum" out stored fat. Liposuction is the only procedure that can guarantee cellulite will disappear, but can cause severe bruising, and always runs the risk of an infection developing.

There are various treatment options currently available for the treatment of cellulite, but creams still tend to be the most popular. They can be applied at home, easily purchased, and can get rid of mild to moderate dimpling.

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